Safe Worship
We look forward to worshiping with you!
For everyone’s safety, prior to attending worship in person, please read the procedures below and complete the Safe Worship Form.
Safe Worship Procedures
Hope Lutheran Church
The following are the responsibility of every worshiper:
- Complete the Worship Safety Consent Form
- At least one adult from every family will need to complete this consent form prior to returning to in-person worship for the first time.
- If possible, please complete the form online ahead of time: https://www.hopeonbluerock.org/worship-safety-consent-registration/ Online completion will help everyone get into the building smoothly and help us to plan for socially distanced spacing.
- The form indicates your agreement to follow safe worship procedures, and is for everyone’s safety and protection.
- Take your temperature before coming to worship. Do not attend worship if you have a fever or any other signs of COVID-19 (cough, difficulty breathing) or if you suspect you have been exposed to COVID-19.
- Consider staying home If you are at high risk: over 65, have chronic lung disease or moderate or severe asthma, a serious heart condition, a weakened immune system, diabetes, chronic kidney disease (receiving dialysis) or liver disease.
- All worshippers MUST wear a mask. Masks are available at Hope if you need one.
- Bring hand sanitizer if you can. Sanitizer will also be provided inside the building; sanitize before and after touching any surfaces.
- Remain socially distanced from other worshippers, at least 6’ apart.
What the leadership teams of Hope promise to provide every worshipper:
- The church will be cleaned professionally every week on Saturday night.
- In between services the pews, door handles, and bathroom will be wiped with disinfectant.
- The Fellowship Hall and classrooms will be unavailable for use on Sunday mornings. The office will be limited to necessary church business only and capacity will be limited to ensure safe social distancing.
- Items that are frequently touched by many will be removed from the narthex and sanctuary. This includes hymnals, Bibles, papers, Kleenex boxes, and children’s activity bags. Water fountains have been turned off and coffee will not be served. Please plan to bring your own tissues, children’s activities, and beverages (in leak-proof containers).
- Socially distanced seating and walking paths will be marked.
What you can expect when you arrive
- Pass through Narthex into the Sanctuary keeping 6’ of social distance at all times. No stopping to visit in the Narthex, no hugging, handshakes, no passing the peace.
- Attendance will be taken. This is to ensure that we have a good list of attendees, should we have the need for contact tracing.
- We will not distribute bulletins. All information will be provided on the screen. If you have sight problems and are unable to see the screen, please notify a greeter when you arrive and we will provide you with a large-print bulletin.
- Members will be seated in every other pew with 6’ of distancing between them. Families will be seated together with children in the pew with parents
- Initially, worship services will be in the format of a prayer service, similar to some of the weekday evening services we have held during Lent, and approximately 30 minutes in length.
- The offering basket will be in the Narthex, not passed during worship. Please place your offering in the basket before or after worship.
- During the traditional “Passing of the peace” we all will remain in our seats with no contact.
- Pews will be marked to indicate 6 foot distancing
- Members will be dismissed by rows to keep safe distancing
- Members will exit directly through Narthex to outside (no stopping to visit)